Report Section
Mettl Press Release Writing Skills Assessment
Test Taker Details
Email Address:
Performance Summary:
Values shown in above chart are percentages
Evaluation of Domain Competencies:
Values shown in above chart are percentages
1. Evaluation of Domain Competencies:
Public Relation Foundations: Low
Shows low understanding of basics of Public Relation Foundations and may not be able to apply related concepts. Is unlikely to use traditional new techniques and social media to help solve the business challenges faced by public, private, and non-profit organisations.
Branding Basics: Moderate
Shows average understanding of basics of Branding and may moderately be able to apply related concepts. Is moderately likely to manage the strategy for establishing your brand in the market and knowing the basics of branding useful for a press release.
Social Media Monitoring: Very High
Shows excellent understanding of Social Media Monitoring and is able to apply related concepts. Is likely to use multiple tools to monitor the conversations on the web to determine the current word about a particular brand, issues, people or product, and to discover opportunities.
Marketing Communication: High
Shows good understanding of Marketing Communication and is able to apply related concepts. Is likely to understand and use various tools that a marketer generally uses to address a communication problem which the brand faces in the market and as a part of product promotion.
SEO: Very High
Shows excellent understanding of Search Engine Optimization and is able to apply related concepts. Is likely to understand Search Engine Optimization and various social media platforms in order to plan and execute all SEO for different media advertising campaigns with website optimisation.
Evaluation of Cognitive Competencies:
Values shown in above chart are percentages
2. Evaluation of Cognitive Competencies:
Writing Skills: High
Good in expressing his/her thoughts effectively in clear and concise manner. Good content presentation skills which may lead to forming the intended opinion by the reader. May be good at basics of writing as well which include grammar, punctuation and spellings.