Report Section

Technical and Aptitude Test
Test Taker Details
Email Address:
Performance Summary:
Values shown in above chart are percentages
The candidate is likely to have the basic aptitude. The candidate has good understanding of basic concepts and hands on experience in programming skills. He/she exhibits high probability of understanding the task and applying conceptual knowledge to solve application level problems on the job.
Quantitative Aptitude:
Values shown in above chart are percentages
1. Quantitative Aptitude:
Quantitative Aptitude: High
The candidate is likely to have the intelligence to be able to process and understand information and apply that while solving problems. The candidate is likely to be able to think, reason and pay attention to arrive at solutions.
Technical Skills:
Values shown in above chart are percentages
2. Technical Skills:
Technical Skills: Moderate
The candidate has moderate understanding of the technical concepts which includes knowledge of OOPS concepts, data structures, sorting etc.
Programming Skills:
Values shown in above chart are percentages
3. Programming Skills:
Hands-on Programming: Very High
The candidate is very likely to have effective programming skills. He/she is very likely to have problem solving skills required to write and compile correct code for the given problem.
Test Log
Test Log
07:19 AM
07:30 AM
07:37 AM
07:42 AM