Report Section
Mettl Career and Personality Profiler Types - Arabic
Test Taker Details
عنوان البريد الإلكتروني:
Response Style
Response Style Social Desirability
Explanation of Response Style:
Social Desirability
If questions are answered in a socially desirable manner for more than 60% of the questions.
If questions are answered in a sufficiently varied manner.
Central Tendency
If more than 60% of the questions are answered as ‘neither agree nor disagree’.
If questions are answered in a ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ manner for more than 60% of the questions.
Areas of Development
Learn to adhere to ethics and rules. Try to work hard towards achieving goals in a diligent, confident and ambitious manner. Invest effort in attaining goals and achieving significant results in all tasks by being planned, scheduled and effectively managing time.
Emotional Stability
Develop a positive attitude and try to be more calm and resilient when under pressure. Learn to be patient and resilient in your approach towards work and relationships.
Develop a more agreeable nature and try to make others feel right. Learn to agree with your critic’s right to an opinion. Even when you think what they are saying is not valid/illogical, acknowledge that it is OK for them to think that way and at the same time, try to restate what you believe is true in a humble manner. Learn trust others more readily and try to understand the feelings and needs of other people in the team and do not overtly boast about your own achievements and skills.
Personality Factors:
Values shown in above chart are percentiles
1. Personality Factors:
Extraversion: Moderate
Moderately friendly and sociable. Tends to shift between working alone and interacting with others. Can at times be able to persuade and influence others and at other times, may keep opinions to oneself. Does not mind being involved in meetings, but may not enjoy too much stimulation. May take up tasks involving risk, but will prefer to have sufficient knowledge beforehand.
Agreeableness: Moderate
Trusts others but not to the extent of being gullible. Straightforward in interactions but gives some consideration to the impact it may have. At times, may be willing to help people and at times may resist getting involved in others’ problems. Agreeable but not submissive. Will seldom have conflicts when working in a group. May talk about own virtues, but not in a boastful way.
Conscientiousness: Very Low
Unlikely to adhere to ethics and rules and is casual about responsibility. Works towards goals in a relaxed and inefficient manner. Lacks the confidence to compete with others and is not at all ambitious. Has a very unorganized approach to work and rarely thinks through decisions. Unlikely to complete uninteresting tasks. Prone to procrastination.
Emotional Stability: Low
Not likely to be able to handle workplace stress in a calm and steady way. Has a pessimistic outlook and is prone to frustration and irritation. Cannot always resist impulses and may act on the spur of the moment and often regrets later. May be prone to feelings of inferiority and may unnecessarily worry about things that might go wrong.
Openness to Experience: Moderate
Is as imaginative and innovative as most people. Moderately appreciative of artistic and natural beauty. May need some convincing before dropping conventional methods to adopt innovative ones. Tends to strive for a balance between emotions and logic while making decisions. Adjusting to constraints and flexible to others’ demands to some extent. Unlikely to lose focus on the task due to excessive focus on novelty.