Report Section

Mettl Learning Agility Assessment
Test Taker Details
Email Address:
How to Interpret the Report?
When interpreting the results, it is important to remember that the scores are not good or bad. Since the results are based on one's own view of behavior, the accuracy of results depends upon both honesty and self-awareness while taking the test.
Learning Agility Assessment
The report is designed to help the respondent as well as the line manager to understand competencies and the preferred learning style of the respondent. This report is easy to interpret, and it is organized into three sections:
- Learning Agility competencies: The section explains whether the respondent possesses essential competencies which will predispose the respondent to learn new things faster than others.
- Learning Dimensions: This section describes the three major dimension of the learning process – speed, variety and depth. It also explains the behavior displayed by someone scoring high on all the three dimensions
- Learning Preference: This section describes the preferred learning approach of the respondent in a learning situation. This will help the candidate as well as the reporting manager to design and optimize the learning process more effectively.
Overall Learning Agility Score
Overall score is based on competency scores only. The scores of learning dimensions and learning preference are not included in overall learning agility score.
Use of Response Styles
The ideal response style is “Genuine” and it is recommended for further analysis. However, if any candidate’s response style displays Social Desirability, he/she needs to be considered with caution.
We do not recommend candidates who display Extreme Responding/Central Tendency/Careless Responding as they indicate that the candidate has not attempted the assessments in the desired manner, and that interferes with an understanding of his/her personality since it would not evoke genuine responses from the candidate's answers. This, in turn, is expected to interfere with the proceeding decisions, so the candidate may be considered for a re-test. Such cases are usually not considered for a statistical/detailed analysis of scores if required further.
Response Style
Response Style Genuine
Explanation of Response Style:
No concerns or red flags just based on response style of candidate.
Social Desirability
If more than 75% of the questions are answered in a manner that indicates an attempt to appear in a falsely positive light or seem ‘socially desirable’.
Extreme Responding
If more than 75% of the questions are answered in a manner that indicates that an individual agrees with the statements at the lower and higher end consistently.
Central Tendency
If the middle response (‘neutral’) is selected more than 30% of the time.
Careless Responding
If more than 95% of the responses selected are from the same direction (i.e. if the candidate selected ‘most like me’ or ‘like me’ from the right-side statement or from the left-side statement alone).
Level of Agility:
Values shown in above chart are sten scores
Moderate Agility
Low Agility
Moderate Agility
High Agility
Evaluation of Competencies:
Values shown in above chart are sten scores
1. Evaluation of Competencies:
Inquisitiveness: Moderate
Somewhat likely to try various ways to seek unique solutions to situations rather than settling for tried and tested solutions. Somewhat likely to possess a high thirst for knowledge and may at times be intrinsically driven to gather information from others. May at times inquire, ask questions and become relentless in finding out the answers. At times look for opportunities that provide new information to be added to one’s knowledge. Moderately likely to be curious to seek out answers to one's questions. Likely to engage and interact with others to keep oneself up to date with the current learning trends.
Open Mindedness: Low
Less likely to have an open mindset and may not be willing to consider or accept new ideas. Does not seeks feedback from others and incorporates them to improve learning, and may get disheartened by negative feedback. Least likely to display readiness to learn something new by welcoming novel and challenging situations. Least likely to display willingness to try new things beyond routine work related activities.
Drive for Mastery: Moderate
Moderately willing to gain required knowledge to excel and become a master in a particular field. May be ready to take up new challenges to learn and grow. Somewhat likely to proactively work towards achieving one's learning goals and take accountability to accomplish them. Will be moderately self-motivated to improve one's knowledge and abilities.
Planning and Organization: Low
Least likely to take an organized approach towards learning by defining goals clearly and by rarely creating a timeline for completion. May not keep a check on the timelines or monitor progress towards one's work, on a regular basis. Least likely to take a step-wise approach and always takes short-cuts. Least likely to establish a framework to accomplish one's learning milestones or accordingly prioritize tasks to meet them.
Focus and Perseverance: Low
Likely to display lower degree of commitment to one's learning goals and is weakly determined to achieve them. May never confront the obstacles one encounters during the learning process, and rarely overcomes them despite repeated failures. Least likely to remain optimistic, persistent and unaffected by failure, which may occur while learning new things. Rarely takes necessary action to overcome the hurdles.
Fluid Intelligence: High
Most likely to have the ability to quickly identify patterns and the logical rule underlying those patterns to arrive at solutions. May be able to gather work related information quickly, from various sources and apply it in innovative ways to solve problems. May have excellent lateral thinking abilities and fluid intelligence. May be very creative in thinking and in integrating data logically to arrive at solutions.
Values shown in above chart are sten scores
• Speed of Learning: A person who scores high on this dimension can learn quickly. He/she has an organized approach, takes right direction, follows through, and makes the corrections necessary to stay on track to achieve the learning goals. Such a person is always able to achieve the learning goals timely, despite the barriers or difficulties. He/she could work effectively in roles which demand in-time solutions and delivery in a short span of time.
• Variety of Learning: A person who scores high on this dimension is oriented towards learning varied subjects/ topics and does not limit oneself to a single perspective. Such a person is inclined towards seeking feedbacks, especially when he/she is primarily learning from peers, subordinates or seniors. He/she could work effectively in roles which demand variety and are boundaryless.
• Depth of Learning: A person who scores high on this dimension is oriented towards in-depth learning to gain a deep comprehension of concepts and its application. Such a person is more interested in becoming a master/expert in the subject/topic. He/she could work effectively in roles which demands expertise and specialization.