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Use the Personality Profiler Test and Mental Ability Test to Assess Key Personality Traits Behavioral Outcomes and Mental Aptitude Skills of Candidates

A personality profiler test is an evidence-based tool that enables organizations to perform a holistic personality assessment of candidates in various job roles. The tool comprehensively measures competencies such as drive, adaptability, trustworthiness, etc. A mental ability test is a test that assesses a candidate's ability to comprehend complex ideas, solve problems, and apply learned skills through questions based on abstract reasoning, numeric reasoning, and verbal reasoning. 

Inside this Personality Profiler and General Mental Ability Test

The Personality Profiler test comprehensively reviews a candidate's underlying personality traits and work style preferences. It is a powerful tool for understanding what behaviors they are likely to display according to their preferences and predispositions. 
The test is based on the Five-Factor Model, which identifies five key areas as the building blocks of a robust personality profiler. 
The “Big Five” personality traits listed below help predict important job-related outcomes such as professional performance, potential, trainability and subsequent job satisfaction. 

The Personality Profiler test comprehensively reviews a candidate's underlying personality traits and work style preferences. It is a powerful tool for understanding what behaviors they are likely to display according to their preferences and predispositions. 

The test is based on the Five-Factor Model, which identifies five key areas as the building blocks of a robust personality profiler. 

The “Big Five” personality traits listed below help predict important job-related outcomes such as professional performance, potential, trainability and subsequent job satisfaction. 

1. Extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved) 

2. Openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious) 

3. Emotional stability (secure/confident vs. sensitive/nervous) 

4. Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. cold/unkind) 

5. Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless) 

Our specialized team of psychometricians and subject matter experts is a part of SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology). They have developed 26 scales based on the Five-Factor Model. These scales are mapped to specific performance models or behavioral competencies frameworks necessary to thrive in a particular job role/industry. The process helps: 

  • Identify candidates displaying the most desirable personalities
  • Analyze candidates for culture-fitment 
  • Gain key inputs for vital HR decisions like learning and development, high-potential identification and succession planning. 
  • Improve the quality of recruitment 
  • Boost employee engagement 
  • Reduce attrition 

General mental ability refers to a candidate's ability to comprehend and interpret verbal information, perceive and process numbers and information in tabular/ graphical format, think laterally, and make logical connections between different concepts. This mental aptitude test analyzes candidates' reasoning and interpretation skills to determine their cognitive strengths and weaknesses. This online mental ability test has been designed to assess the candidate's ability to solve novel problems by applying learnings and connecting different information points to grasp a bigger picture, detecting patterns and relationships, and solving complex problems through innovative solutions. This test also intends to assess the ability to work with the information presented in a number-based format to make essential business decisions and analyze its impact. Moreover, this mental ability test also assesses the candidate's ability to understand the concepts embedded in written material and deduce crucial information to recognize relationships among words and concepts.


Understanding employee personality is crucial for ensuring operational success. This way, employers can gain a better understanding of their workforce. Decoding employee personalities enables managers to leverage their workforce's strengths and boost productivity. 
Most importantly, it helps employers understand the underlying traits of candidates that may affect their performance at work. This may include how they perceive certain situations and what would be their potential response. Gaining such insights beforehand can make things easier for employers. So, how would employers go about uncovering these attributes in their prospective employees? The personality profiler test is an effective way to gauge these traits. 
General mental ability suggests individuals' overall level at which they learn, understand and parse pieces of information and solve complex problems. Cognitive ability and mental agility are prerequisites for career success. Having cross-functional teams with employees who demonstrate the highest levels of intelligence and critical thinking is critical in ensuring business success in the fiercely competitive modern business landscape. It is incontestable that these high-potential performers will successfully climb up the corporate ladder. The reason is that their ability to find solutions proactively to problems faster than their peers is what makes them distinctive from their counterparts. Every organization pursues talented professionals with strong mental aptitude and adopts new hiring approaches to find these highly coveted talents.

Personality Profiler and Mental Ability Assessment Competency Framework

Get a detailed look inside the test

Personality Profiler and Mental Ability Test Competencies Under Scanner

Verbal Reasoning

Abstract Reasoning




Numerical Reasoning


This verbal reasoning test is a tool to assess a job candidate’s ability to grasp complex verbal information and apply reasoning skills to draw logical conclusions.

" Demonstrating the ability to analyse information, detect patterns and relationships, and solve complex and intangible problems and to perform well in a new/novel situation.


Ethical propensity

This refers to a tendency to be honest and ethical in all kinds of transactions with internal and external stakeholders to earn their trust and be considered a trusted partner by others.

Initiative taking

It refers to an eagerness to work on tasks without being told and modifying one's knowledge based on recent trends.


It refers to a tendency to adjust and adapt oneself to change and not get bogged down if situations are dynamic and evolving.



It refers to building professional networks and personal relationships within and outside the company to gather information and resources, ensuring individual and organizational success.

Negotiation and influence

This refers to the ability to convince others and compromise to achieve results effectively.


t refers to working with each other and ensuring people are treated with respect and sensitivity regardless of individual differences to accomplish shared objectives.


Service orientation

This refers to providing excellent service to internal and external customers and raising the service bar.

Result orientation

This refers to a strong will to accomplish what one sets out to do, channeling one's energy and resources to finish what one started.

This numerical reasoning test can help assess the candidate's ability to work with the information presented in a number-based format to make essential business decisions and analyzing its impact.


Leading by example

It refers to the ability to lead a group of people by consistently encouraging them and working towards solutions which benefit everybody involved.

Strategic orientation

It refers to demonstrating an ability to consider the short- and long-term implications of one's actions and decisions in the organization.


It refers to the ability to innovate, ensuring that the organization remains relevant and current with changing times.

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In a general mental ability test, the following are the type of questions based on specific sections:

  • Abstract Reasoning: Matrix-based questions involving shapes, symbols, numbers  
  • Numeric Reasoning: Tables, Graphs, Percentage, Averages, Ratios  
  • Verbal Reasoning: Para Jumbles, Reading Comprehension  

Mental aptitude tests provide an excellent way for recruiters to gauge their problem-solving and mental aptitude. Therefore, a well-defined plan is a must-have for candidates aspiring to emerge victorious in these tests. Given below are some handy tips to consider:

Refine your skills

This mental agility test will include questions based on numeric, verbal, abstract reasoning, etc. It would be best if candidates brushed up on all their basic skills. They can touch all the basics by emphasizing reading and vocabulary building sessions and arithmetic and reasoning skills.

Save time whenever possible

The general mental ability test will comprise various questions candidates should complete within a specified time limit. Hence, they must not dwell unnecessarily on answers they are unsure of and instead move on to the next problem. If time allows, they can return to the questions left unattended after answering all the remaining questions.

Understanding the strengths and areas of improvement

A candidate's awareness of strengths and vulnerabilities goes a long way in helping them improve their chances of success. By working on individual strengths and weak points, candidates can uncover critical insights about their approach to preparation.

Practicing has no substitutes

Aspirants can plan and practice many sample tests to get accustomed to solving related questions. This exercise will be instrumental in helping them improve their performance in the actual test. Moreover, it also helps build a good pace that would help improve their odds of performing better than earlier.  

A Personality Profiling Test helps understand and measure the various aspects of an individual’s personality. 

Candidates who are set to appear for a personality test should remember that it is a subjective assessment of one's personality. Therefore, instead of focusing on the right and wrong answers, emphasis should be on performing to the best of one's ability, come what may. In addition, here are some quick tips to consider: 

  • Try to be honest about your responses 

Personality tests usually include ratings-based questions that seek responses on a scale. Your answers should reflect how you feel while rating yourself on a scale of one to five, which should align with how strongly you relate to a particular statement. 

  • Read through the job description carefully 

Personality profile assessments determine if someone is suitable for a particular position. Recognizing this fact, you must work on qualities the employer is looking for in a specific role as you take the test. 

  • Have diverse opinions 

Your honest views about what you think of a particular statement are crucial, but make it a point not to keep all your answers inclined on one extreme. This is because employers tend to perceive it as a lack of variety of opinions. 

  • Practice test sessions are always helpful 

A well-structured preparation always comes in handy in streamlining the test preparation. Moreover, several available personality tests can be helpful for practicing online. 

  • Time management is the key 

Understand the instructions thoroughly and read each question repeatedly before selecting your answer. Then, allocate your time efficiently and never rush to solutions without giving yourself ample time to self-introspect. 

  • Expect questions that concentrate on character 

Employee personality profile tests may also include questions that focus on integrity and honesty. In addition, employers will express their interest in what candidates value the most when faced with ethical challenges at work. Hence, you should expect questions ranging from personality traits to character-based questions. 

Asking questions that elicit the most insightful responses from respondents is crucial in developing a psychometric profile test. Listed below are some of the common personality test questions to utilize when forming personality questionnaires: 

  • What words would your connections use to describe you? 
  • Who is your role model? 
  • What, according to you, are your most outstanding achievements? 
  • What is the most usual question you are often asked? 
  • How do you overcome failures in life? 
  • How do you deal with stress? 
  • How do you spend your free time? 
  • Which is the most prevalent issue society is currently tackling? 
  • When attending events, do you meet new people or stick around with the people you already know? 
  • How do you approach a long-term project? 

No. Personality tests are qualitative. They are not quantitative tests that have pass-and-fail metrics. A Personality Profiler Test recognizes the aptitude, strengths, areas needing improvement, and other aspects of an individual’s personality. 

Employers look for candidates with personality traits matching the job role requirements. The Personality Profiler Test can assist recruiters in identifying a candidate's potential and understanding their traits to leverage their strengths and boost productivity. 

While employers can select from numerous Personality Profiling Tests based on specific requirements, many experts suggest the Big Five-Factor Model. This Personality Profiler Test measures candidates against five vital aspects of personality, measures them on a spectrum, and aids recruiters in making an informed hiring decision. 

One can conduct a Personality Test with Mercer | Mettl’s scientifically backed Personality Assessment for informed hiring and organizational development.  

Psychometric profiling is understanding an individual's behavioral style, personality, and reasoning skills using a data-directed, objective, and structured approach. 

A personality profiler test based on the Big Five-Factor Model is hands down one of the most viable alternatives for unveiling a candidate's real work personality. 

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