Leadership Competencies

Leadership competencies are essentially the behaviors or skills that define an effective leader. Creating a leadership competencies list enables organizations to have a blueprint for identifying and developing present and future leaders. While some leadership competencies are standard across all firms, organizations should also possess a list of their own leadership competencies for a competitive advantage.

Leadership competencies are the sum of an organization’s ideas and expectations from its leaders. They help hire future leaders, identify and promote leaders from within, and even develop new leaders. Leadership competencies are similar to a foundation that helps organizations make better decisions and create a powerful leadership team.

This word is part of a larger series on Leadership Assessment Tests

Leadership assessments help organizations hire and develop future leaders. Leadership assessments are personality tests that gauge personality attributes, such as effective communication, empathy, inspirational, etc., required to become an effective leader. Leadership assessments can be used to identify the strengths and areas of development of the test-takers.

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Leadership Assessments for Workforce Planning

Assess & develop leadership competencies to future-proof your business

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