Talent Mapping 

What is Talent Mapping 

Talent mapping means a strategic process used by organizations to align their workforce capabilities with their long-term business objectives. Talent mapping involves a detailed analysis and identification of the skills, competencies, and potential of both current employees and prospective candidates. By understanding the existing talent landscape, organizations can anticipate future needs and plan for growth, ensuring they have the right people in the right roles at the right time. 

Talent Mapping Process 

The talent mapping process is a key component of strategic planning. It starts with a thorough assessment of the organization’s strategic goals and objectives, including the identification of critical roles and skills necessary for achieving these goals. By mapping out these requirements, organizations can create a clear picture of the skills and competencies that are currently available within the workforce and those that need to be developed or acquired. This proactive approach helps identify gaps and implement targeted development programs or recruitment strategies to fill these gaps, thereby ensuring the organization’s strategic goals are met. 

Talent mapping is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and updating as the business environment and organizational goals evolve. By maintaining an updated talent map, organizations can stay agile and responsive to changes, such as technological advancements, market shifts, and competitive pressures. This dynamic approach ensures that the organization remains competitive and well-prepared to meet future challenges, instilling a sense of reassurance in its effectiveness. 

How Mercer | Mettl can help 

Mercer | Mettl, a leader in HR solutions, provides a wide range of talent mapping solutions to help organizations stay agile and create employees who can meet future challenges. These include:    

Skill-gap analysis: Measure skills gaps for the present and the future. 

SmartADC: Online, location-agnostic, scalable tool to assess employees quickly and accurately.   

Assessment battery: Scientifically validated assessments that help hire, nurture, and develop talent.   

360-degree feedback tool: 360-degree survey for a comprehensive understanding of employee’s strengths and areas of development.

This word is part of a larger series on Succession Plan

Succession planning is a detailed and vital undertaking to identify people who could immediately, or after targeted development, assume key positions. Considering the evolving workforce, various companies ensure that the succession plan is adhered to periodically and is adapted at all levels, be it leadership roles, mission-critical positions or niche roles.

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