Virtual Assessment Center

A virtual assessment center is a fully online simulation of a traditional assessment center, which replicates real-life workplace situations to evaluate participants’ skills and behaviors in a controlled environment to make crucial hiring decisions and develop and identify organizational talent. Designed to measure multiple skills and competencies, virtual assessment centers use a combination of exercises, activities, tests, role-plays, simulators, interviews, etc., in the digital format, administered individually or in groups.

Virtual assessment centers, also known as e-assessment centers, are administered online, optimally utilizing new-age technologies to achieve comprehensive and efficient results without compromising the process’s credibility and effectiveness. Virtual assessment centers deploy a complete suite of online tools to match employees to a particular role, defined by a specific set of competencies. Virtual assessment centers are instrumental in the remote work setting to keep employees motivated by investing in their upskilling and development.

This word is part of a larger series on Assessment Center Development Center

Assessment & Development Centers (ACDCs) are a group of exercises and tests designed to assess an individual for hiring or development purposes. Traditionally, assessment and development centers were done in a physical setting by calling all participants at one place for various individual and group activities. With the advent of technology, virtual and blended assessment and development centers have replaced traditional ones by simulating workplace scenarios in the digital medium. Assessment and development centers can consist of a combination or subset of personality assessments, situational judgement tests, case study simulations, caselets, presentations, aptitude tests, interviews, role plays, group discussions, inbox exercises, etc.

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Mercer | Mettl's VADC: The Future of ACDCs

Automate Your L&D Programs With Virtual And Blended Assessment Center Development Centers

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