Coding Interview

An online coding interview, also known as a virtual coding interview, is a next-generation candidate interview process wherein an interviewer assesses a coder’s proficiency in real-time. A prerequisite to the interview is that candidates have to accept sharing their screen, video and audio. It helps evaluate a candidate’s hands-on coding skills and the process and thought behind creating a particular code.

An online coding interview, also known as a virtual coding interview, is the process of assessing how a candidate thinks and collaborates and utilizes various languages, frameworks, libraries or APIs. It is done before hiring. Aside from being hosted remotely, an online coding interview is considered as natural as a physical interview. Virtual coding interviews come in handy in saving significant time and ensuring that a company stays a step ahead in hiring the best talent.

This word is part of a larger series on Coding Interview Platform

A coding interview platform brings hiring managers closer to the goal of hiring the best by eliminating pre-interview inefficiencies and bringing clarity to the initial selection. This purpose-built interviewing solution throws questions and scenarios at the coder to gauge its actual prowess.

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