Employee poaching is the practice of actively recruiting and hiring employees employed by another organization. It aims to attract and acquire valuable talent to strengthen one's workforce and gain a competitive advantage in the market
Employee onboarding is integrating a new employee into an organization and equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective organizational members
Exam automation is intended to automate every aspect of the examination process - exam creation, uploading the question papers for various exam types and a reliable and speedy evaluation.
An examination management system is an online system that allows centers for learning across seniority levels to plan and execute end-to-end virtual assessments.
Exam security is all about protecting the integrity of the examination process, its data and test-takers' data by using various advanced anti-cheating tools.
An English fluency test is a type of language proficiency test that assesses speech, listening skills and verbal ability in the English language.
Exam monitoring is the ability to monitor exams from a remote location anywhere in the world. Using a webcam, a microphone-compatible computer and an uninterrupted internet connection.
Exam invigilation is a process of online invigilation of students via a webcam and internet. Akin to the physical setting, exam invigilation is undertaken in real-time and online proctors intervene upon observing anything suspicious.
The English proficiency test assesses language competence at a phoneme level against the pronunciation, grammar, fluency and lexical stress of native speakers.
English aptitude tests refer to assessments that help assesses a candidate's English language proficiency based on its comprehension (the ability to analyze and comprehend written and verbal information).
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