
What is an ideathon?  

An ideathon means a collaborative event that offers a unique opportunity for participants to generate innovative ideas and solutions for specific challenges. Lasting from a few hours to a few days, ideathons bring together diverse groups of people, including students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and subject matter experts, to brainstorm, discuss, and develop creative concepts. These events, often themed around technology, healthcare, sustainability, or social issues, provide an environment that encourages out-of-the-box thinking and rapid idea generation, fostering a culture of innovation within organizations. 

Ideathons are often structured around activities designed to guide participants through the ideation process. These activities may include workshops, keynote speeches, brainstorming sessions, and pitch presentations. Mentors and facilitators are usually available to provide guidance, offer feedback, and refine ideas. At the end of the event, teams typically present their ideas to a panel of judges or stakeholders, who evaluate the concepts based on criteria such as creativity, feasibility, impact, and alignment with the event’s theme. The best ideas may receive recognition, awards, or further development and implementation opportunities. 

How Mercer | Mettl can help 

With Mercer | Mettl Xathon, organizations can leverage our platform to ideate and innovate with top tech and non-tech talent. We provide the tools and support needed to make your ideathon a success, from idea generation to implementation.  

A scalable online platform, Xathon helps companies: 

Crowdsource new ideas 

Foster close collaborations 

Establish employer brand 

Identify and develop top talent 

Foster innovations and accelerate business growth 

This word is part of a larger series on Hackathons & Ideathons

Online hackathons and ideathons are new-age tools to innovate, ideate, and engage with campus talent, employees, and like-minded individuals. Hackathons and ideathons are used as a hiring tool, employee engagement exercise, branding strategy, and platform for crowdsourcing ideas. Online hackathons and ideathons are digital events that use technology to facilitate collaboration.

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Hackathon & Ideathon Platform From Mercer Mettl

Foster Innovation with Our Online Hackathon And Ideathon Platform

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