Leadership Assessment Center

A leadership assessment center is a type of assessment center used specifically for measuring key leadership qualities and competence. It can either be traditional, physical location or a virtual platform that evaluates candidates via structured aptitude tests, leadership assessments, case study exercises, workplace simulations and group interactions designed to analyze leadership potential.

A leadership assessment center is a type of assessment center designed to assess professionals in or aspiring for leadership roles. It utilizes an array of tests and analyses to determine an individual’s strengths, leadership style, professional behaviors and overall aptitude to lead. Organizations and employers can utilize a leadership assessment center to advance their hiring and L&D in several ways. Measuring key leadership skills such as strategic thinking, innovation, self-development, teamwork and ethical propensity becomes way easier with the help of leadership assessment center exercises.

This word is part of a larger series on Assessment Center Development Center

Assessment & Development Centers (ACDCs) are a group of exercises and tests designed to assess an individual for hiring or development purposes. Traditionally, assessment and development centers were done in a physical setting by calling all participants at one place for various individual and group activities. With the advent of technology, virtual and blended assessment and development centers have replaced traditional ones by simulating workplace scenarios in the digital medium. Assessment and development centers can consist of a combination or subset of personality assessments, situational judgement tests, case study simulations, caselets, presentations, aptitude tests, interviews, role plays, group discussions, inbox exercises, etc.

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Mercer | Mettl's VADC: The Future of ACDCs

Automate Your L&D Programs With Virtual And Blended Assessment Center Development Centers

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