Self-assessment is a reflective process through which employees evaluate their skills, knowledge, and performance against personal or professional standards.
Situational judgment refers to assessing and responding effectively to real-world situations, particularly in workplace settings.
Structured interview is a standardized method where the interviewer asks each candidate the same predetermined questions in the same order.
Set clear, achievable objectives with SMART goals. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound. Create well-defined goals for easier tracking and accomplishment
Skill mapping means the process of identifying, analyzing, and documenting the skills required for a particular job or task, as well as the skills possessed by individuals within an organization
Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy where the leader's primary goal is to serve others. This approach focuses on the well-being and development of employees, emphasizing empathy, active listening, and a commitment to meeting the team's needs
A secure exam browser helps an invigilator remotely monitor what's happening on the test-taker's screen.
A safe exam browser is a web-based lockdown browser that converts any system into a secure workstation.
The spoken English test, also known as the English fluency test, is used to assess the English-speaking skills of non-English speakers by most organizations before hiring for specific roles.
Smart proctoring is a technology-based system to ensure credible online examination drives through cheating detection and prevention.
A succession planning framework or a succession planning model is a ready-to-go plan that helps put succession planning strategies into perspective.
Succession planning is a strategically tried-out process of identifying the next generation of leaders who can ensure business continuity when key leaders move on to new opportunities, retire or pass away.
Succession management refers to the practice of identifying possible successors for crucial roles, honing and nurturing their talent and ensuring they seamlessly fit into organizations' structures.
Succession development is a method used to identify and develop emerging leaders so that they can take control in time of need and keep a company afloat and unaffected.
Staff succession planning is undertaken to plan for internal replacements in situations where employees retire or move on abruptly.
Succession planning matrix is a well-structured process that highlights an organization's strengths with clarity. A 9-box grid forms the crux of a succession planning matrix in which individuals are classified into nine sub-categories based on individual performance and potential.
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