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Talent Is a Combination of Core Traits and Acquired Skills
Assessing Both Is The Backbone Of A Comprehensive Pre-employment Assessment Strategy
Core Traits
Personality Traits
Characteristic patterns of thoughts, behaviors, cognition and emotions specific to each individual
Behavioral Tendencies
Task-Related Behaviors Critical for a Successful Performance at the Workplace
Cognitive Ability
Reasoning And Problem-solving Skills Required For A Candidate To Perform The Job
Acquired Skills
Domain Skills
Specific Role-based Knowledge And Technical Competence
Coding Skills
Right Coding Knowledge And The Ability To Solve Problems Through Code
Communication Skills
The Ability To Convey One’s Thoughts Meaningfully In The Language Used
Mercer | Mettl Pre-employment Assessments
Mercer | Mettl offers holistic pre-employment tools to scientifically measure core traits as well as acquired skills of candidates. Our suite of skill assessment tests consists of personality assessments, behavioral assessments, cognitive assessments, technical assessments, coding assessments and communication skills assessments.