Personality Assessment Tool/System

Personality assessment tools enable organizations to match aspirants with roles that fit their capabilities, behaviors and personality, ensuring culture-fit hiring within the organization. Personality testing tools can help both employers and employees understand strengths and weaknesses and recognize opportunities that drive organizational growth. Personality assessment tools simplify recruiters’ tasks by helping them filter out unsuitable candidates and find the right talent.

A personality test system is used for integrating technology into the recruitment process, which makes it convenient for organizations to find, hire, and engage talent. By combining personality assessment tools with a digital platform, recruiters can streamline their hiring process and make well-informed hiring decisions. An integrated personality assessment tool can allow candidates to take tests online at a time and place of their choosing and help organizations deliver a great candidate experience.

This word is part of a larger series on Personality Assessment Test

Personality assessments, as the name implies, gauge an individual’s positive and dark personality traits. Personality assessments are modeled after two broad schools of thought – trait theory and type theory. Type-based personality assessments characterize people according to certain qualitatively distinctive categories. These are more suitable for personal use. Trait-based personality assessments view personality as a function of multiple traits and measure the degree to which each trait is present in individuals. They are used for high-stake decisions in workplace settings.

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Mercer | Mettl's Personality Profiler Test

Help you hire better, identify faster, and develop right

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