Oracle SQL Online Test for Recruitment
Oracle SQL Online Test is specifically designed to assess a developer's capability to write Database Query Questions, their understanding of Oracle SQL Basics and Advanced Topics. This online test is easily customizable, and offers a handpicked list of questions and detailed reports.
Ready to Use
0.5-2 years
60 Minutes
20 MCQ + 2 Coding
Junior Oracle SQL Developer, Oracle Developer, Oracle SQL Developer
English India, English Global
Inside This Assessment
Mercer | Mettl's Oracle SQL Online Test assesses a developer's capability to write Database Query Questions, their understanding of Oracle SQL Basics and Advanced Topics.
This 60-minutes test includes 20 MCQs and 2 coding problems to be solved on our database simulator. Designed by subject matter experts, the assessment evaluates the understanding of a candidate on three levels - basic, intermediate and advanced. The test is holistically designed to test an applicant's knowledge as well as applied skills.
Key profiles this Oracle SQL Online Test is used for:
- Junior Oracle SQL Developer
- Oracle Developer
- Oracle SQL Developer
- SQL Developer
Oracle Competency Framework
Get a detailed look inside the test
Oracle SQL Developer Competencies Under Scanner
Oracle SQL
This Oracle SQL online test evaluates skills in developing database query questions in Oracle.
This Oracle SQL online test evaluates the following subskills: Update Query, Functions, DML, TCL, Subqueries, LIKE clause, Delete, Query, Group by, Insert Query, and Alter Query.
This Oracle SQL online test evaluates the following Advanced topics: Views, Functions and Joins.
Customize This Test
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Get a tailored assessment created with the help of our subject matter experts to ensure effective screening.
The Mercer | Mettl Advantage
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can we benchmark applicants based on our internal sample set?
We have done so in the past on a client-to-client basis. Please write to us for such a request and we would be glad to work out a solution for you.
2. Can we customize the report to include some specific analysis?
Yes, it can be done on a client-to-client basis. Please write to Mercer | Mettl with the request; we will gladly find a solution.
3. What is Oracle unit testing?
The Oracle SQL Developer unit testing framework tests PL/SQL objects (like procedures and functions) and tracks such objects' results over a period. A developer creates tests and provides crucial information for each test, such as what is to be tested and what outcomes can be expected? The SQL Developer unit testing framework is based on the well-known xUnit family of unit test frameworks.
4. Is Oracle easy to learn?
Fundamentally, Oracle is no different from the SQL server and other relational database systems. Its data architecture principles are just the same, and it functions with SQL and PL/SQL extensions. Oracle is easy to learn as long as the individual is proficient in Linux and SQL. Those professionals who have a good understanding of SQL Server can learn Oracle databases without any difficulty.
5. What is the difference between SQL and Oracle SQL?
SQL is short for Structured Query Language. Oracle is a multi-model database management system conceptualized, developed, and marketed by Oracle Corporation. SQL and Oracle are two very different things. Oracle is a relational database management system. SQL is used to interact with the database as it is a domain-specific language, which queries the relational database.
6. What is an Oracle SQL test case builder?
An SQL test case builder is a diagnostic tool that automatically collects information required to recreate the problem in a distinct database instance.
7. What is an Oracle SQL syntax checker?
An Oracle SQL syntax checker is a syntax validation tool that can ascertain the validity of a SQL statement syntax before it is run against Oracle. It can open multiple SQL files and check all in one go; then, you can double click the error message to reach directly where the syntax errors occur.