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Real-time Dashboards for Evaluators and Administrators For A Seamless Digital Evaluation
Dashboards for Evaluators
Track the evaluation and submission progress of allocated answer sheets
Clear visibility of submission dates for better time tracking
Reminders and alerts for pending work
Collaborative and secure multi-evaluation of answer sheets
Pinning of reports on which the evaluator is working
Dashboards for Administrators
Assignment and reassignment of answer sheet to multiple faculties (evaluators & moderators)
Track the progress of answer sheets evaluation for all courses and evaluators
Supervision of answer sheets checked by evaluators - review any evaluation anytime
Auto-reminders to evaluators near the submission dates
Secure management of test-taker details and control over masking student information
Our all-in-one online examination system allows educational institutes to conduct, proctor, evaluate and govern online exams through an integrated platform. It makes life easy for all stakeholders including exam administrators, professors, students and leaders.