Coding Assessment Platform

A coding assessment platform is a software platform that assesses candidates’ coding proficiencies. A coding assessment platform helps recruiters hire the perfect fit by evaluating candidates’ knowledge of tools, frameworks, libraries and hands-on experience of the required skill or technology to undertake the job in consideration.

A coding assessment platform is a sophisticated software platform that provides a comprehensive coding environment to help recruiters assess a coder’s skill and knowledge. An ideal coding assessment platform allows assessors to schedule coding tests online, screen candidates, and roll out invites seamlessly, focusing on progress and performance. A coding assessment platform is best used before the interview round and should be administered as a part of technical screening.

This word is part of a larger series on Coding Assessments

Coding assessments and simulators when put together, filter and screen fresh campus talent, or lateral hiring candidates at scale to help understand the core competency of a candidate and help hire the best potential talent to take on a variety of technical tasks in the future.

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Mercer | Mettl’s Coding Assessments And Simulators

Find the Best Developers Using Our Coding Assessments & Simulator Tools

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