Competency Assessment 

What is competency assessment? 

Competency assessment means a structured process to evaluate an individual’s ability to perform specific tasks or fulfill certain roles effectively. This process involves measuring skills, knowledge, behaviors and attributes crucial for successful job performance. Competencies are defined as the specific sets of capabilities and characteristics that enable an individual to perform their job duties proficiently. By focusing on these competencies, organizations aim to ensure their employees possess the qualifications to meet job requirements and contribute positively to organizational goals. 

Importance of competency assessment 

The primary goal of competency assessment is to identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding individual development and organizational training programs. By understanding where employees excel and where they need further development, organizations can tailor their training initiatives to address specific gaps. This enhances not only individual performance but also boosts overall organizational effectiveness. Some examples of competency assessment are: 

  • Core competencies assessment: These tests assess the fundamental skills and characteristics that are vital, regardless of the role.  
  • Functional competencies assessment: These assessments assess job-specific skills and knowledge.  
  • Behavioral competencies assessment: These assessments check the personal characteristics that affect an individual’s actions and behavior in the workplace.  

How Mercer | Mettl can help 

Mercer | Mettl offers a wide range of competency assessments that help businesses assess candidates comprehensively during recruitment. They evaluate several candidate aspects, including behavioral and cognitive skills.   

Mercer | Mettl’s psychometric assessments evaluate candidates on various traits, including:  

Positive personality traits: These are influential traits that impact job performance, compatibility with company culture, and the ability to learn and adapt. 

Dark personality traits: These are the negative qualities that can impact candidates and organizational operations.   

Motivation, values and preferences: This refers to the drive candidates have to contribute to the company’s objectives and make appropriate choices. 

Cognitive ability: This encompasses candidates’ capacity to think logically and process information, focusing on achieving results. 

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