Use the Personality Map and Critical Thinking Test to assess key personality traits scientifically and problem-solving and decision-making skills of Candidates
A personality mapping test helps companies measure key personality traits and behavioral competencies mainly for senior roles and job profiles. It helps identify the right fit based on desirable traits like leadership, adaptability and teamwork. A critical thinking test helps assess the candidate's ability to think critically, solve complex problems and make appropriate decisions. Critical reasoning test enables you to select candidates who can recognize problems and solve them efficiently by critically analyzing the given information.
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Psychometric, Aptitude
75 Minutes
196 Questions
English India, English Global, English UAE
Inside This Personality Mapping and Critical Thinking Test
The Mettl Personality Map (MPM) is an evidence-based personality mapping test. It is a comprehensive measure of personality which provides an overview of 28 personality facets critical for work related outcomes. These facets are mapped to companies’ or job roles’ specific performance models or behavioral competencies to obtain an optimal prediction of job success.
Critical thinking is defined as the ability of an individual to achieve the desired outcome by thinking rationally and critically. It requires a candidate to collect the necessary information needed from relevant and diverse sources, render accurate judgment based on the evidence, identify the assumptions made and draw conclusions to reach a decision. Critical thinking is an essential competency in a world full of ambiguity and change. Good critical thinking skills help in interpreting complex information, which then facilitates decision-making. Mercer| Mettl's critical thinking test is specially designed to test the critical thinking ability of a candidate.
MPM is a robust workplace personality mapping test that can be used throughout an employee’s life cycle across different levels of employment. It has strong psychometric properties and has been standardized on a global population. While it can be used as a screening tool in the hiring process, it can also be used as a key input in critical HR decisions such as:
- Learning and Development – To understand the current competence level of employees; train and develop employees effectively
- Identification of High Potential – Identification of critical talent and develop them to be future leaders
- Succession Planning – Identification and development of successors for critical leadership roles.
The critical thinking assessment consists of a situation outlining the question's premise, followed by four statements on either assumptions, arguments or conclusions. A candidate must identify which of the statements following the premise are assumptions made, which of the arguments are strong or weak and which conclusions are valid. Designed by subject matter experts, Mercer| Mettl's critical thinking test contains 21 questions to be completed in 30 minutes. Moreover, the skills of the candidate are evaluated on three levels - easy, medium and difficult.
Applications of a critical thinking test:
The test can be used for the following purposes:
- Recruitment: Identify the suitable hires for your organization by using this test.
- Learning and Development: Understand the current proficiency level of an employee; train and develop employees effectively.
- Identification of High Potential: Have a healthy pipeline of future leaders.
- Succession Planning: Fast-track high potential to retain them.
The critical thinking test is developed as per the guidelines prescribed by Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing developed jointly by the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education (1999), EFPA test review model, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (EEOC, 1978), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures (SIOP, 2003).
Read MorePersonality Map and Critical Thinking Assessment Competency Framework
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Personality Map and Critical Thinking Test Competencies Under Scanner
Critical Thinking
This critical thinking test has been designed to assess the candidate's skills in critical thinking through questions that assess candidates in these areas - recognizing assumptions, evaluating arguments, and drawing conclusions.
This refers to a tendency to be honest and ethical in all kinds of transactions with internal and external stakeholders to earn their trust and be considered a trusted partner by others.
It refers to an eagerness to work on tasks without being told and modifying one's knowledge based on recent trends.
It refers to a tendency to adjust and adapt oneself to change and not get bogged down if situations are dynamic and evolving.
It refers to building professional networks and personal relationships within and outside the company to gather information and resources, ensuring individual and organizational success.
This refers to the ability to convince others and compromise to achieve results effectively.
t refers to working with each other and ensuring people are treated with respect and sensitivity regardless of individual differences to accomplish shared objectives.
This refers to providing excellent service to internal and external customers and raising the service bar.
This refers to a strong will to accomplish what one sets out to do, channeling one's energy and resources to finish what one started.
It refers to the ability to lead a group of people by consistently encouraging them and working towards solutions which benefit everybody involved.
It refers to demonstrating an ability to consider the short- and long-term implications of one's actions and decisions in the organization.
It refers to the ability to innovate, ensuring that the organization remains relevant and current with changing times.
Customize This Career Personality Map and Critical Thinking Assessment
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The Mercer | Mettl Personality Map and Critical Thinking Assessment Advantage
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Why is Critical Thinking important in the job?
Critical Thinking is said to be one of the key skills of the future. It helps candidates think critically and solve complex problems and take appropriate decisions. It helps candidates make clear and rational judgements by evaluating and synthesizing information.
2. How can Critical Thinking be tested through an interview?
Thought-provoking questions that focus a candidate to critically think about problems or aspects of decision making can be used. Offering the candidates with riddles also help in testing Critical Thinking skills during interviews. Please write to us for such a request and we would be glad to work out a solution for you.