360 Degree Appraisal System

A 360- degree appraisal system refers to the process of using 360-degree feedback as a tool for performance appraisals. Contrary to traditional annual reviews, a 360-degree appraisal is a more insightful and unbiased mechanism that enables organizations to focus on wholesome developmental paths for every employee. Instead of performance alone, the appraisal process begins to emphasize holistic learning and growth.

360-degree appraisal system is a modern alternative to conventional annual performance reviews. A holistic developmental process, it encourages professionals to identify and perform up to their maximum potential. The system takes into consideration several factors that affect employee performance. Therefore, it paints a clearer picture, which forms the foundation for learning initiatives, leadership development, high-potential identification, etc. Ultimately, a 360-degree appraisal system leads to a team of high-achievers who are constantly open to learning and growth.

This word is part of a larger series on 360 Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback is a feedback tool used in the review and appraisal process of employees. As the name suggests, 360-degree feedback is the process of taking feedback of an employee from everyone who has a close working relationship with them. This includes feedback from managers, peers, subordinates, clients, etc. The tool ensures that employees get a holistic view of their strengths and areas of improvements and can place their work in the context of the organization. The 360-degree feedback process can also be used to identify skill gaps and high potential employees.

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360View: Easy To Use 360 Degree Feedback Tool

The Most Employee-Friendly 360-Degree Feedback Tool On The Cloud

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